Make the A1 Safer Nearly 1,000 collisions were recorded on the A1 between Peterborough and Blythe between 2015 to 2022. This cannot continue. I was relieved to secure five safety...
Protect Our Rural Way of Life and Defend Your Voice We must preserve that which makes our communities so special, and ensure we protect local decision making. I will always fight for you to decide what is best...
Make Our Roads Safer for Our Communities Members of our communities deserve a robust and reliable transport infrastructure, and I have been working hard to improve our local road networks so we can get...
Improve Broadband and Mobile Phone Signal So much of our lives rely on broadband and mobile phone signal, which is why I will prioritise improving it across our villages and towns. I've successfully...
Improve Flooding Resilience Rain levels since October have devastated homes and farmland, as we have experienced the country's most active storm season since records began. I’ve visited...
End Rural Disadvantage and Improve Rural Infrastructure Investment For decades, Local Government Funding has not recognised that delivering services in beautiful rural areas like ours is more expensive. It is time we end rural...
Protect Food Security As a country, we need to celebrate our local food producers, recognise their environmental stewardship and reduce the burdens they face. Farming is at the heart...
Rutland's Great Dementia Conversation Following a pause due to the election, I’m looking forward to re-starting our county-wide conversation to drive up our diagnosis rates and end the hesitancy and...
Stop the Mallard Pass Solar Plant Development I am utterly appalled that less than one week into his role, Ed Miliband approved the Mallard Pass Solar Plant for construction. This shows a complete disregard...
Stop Government Plans to Build New Harborough Town You may have heard the Government has announced plans to build thousands of new homes across the Harborough district, including developments at Stoughton...