Tackling Radicalisation

Over the last two days I've been listening to civil society groups from across Europe discuss how best to tackle violent extremism in our communities.

DefenceIQ: The Intoxication of the ‘Art of the Hack’

Information Operations seek to master the enemy’s operating space; to limit their ability to act, move and communicate. On the internet, hackers hold a wealth of expertise and experience – yet we have failed to lever them effectively.

This article was published on DefenceIQ.

Oxford University: Public Diplomacy Talk

On Friday I was invited to speak at Oxford University's Digital Diplomacy Research Group on the topic of Visual Narratives in Public Diplomacy.

Sunday Times: Is Online Banking Really Secure?

Quoted in this weekend's Sunday Times on the issues banks face in tackling cyber gangs.

Is online banking really secure?

With evident online security loopholes and hackers growing evermore adept at cyber safe-cracking, can the future of banking be secure?

We Are the City: Profile Interview

Earlier this week I was interviewed by WeAreTheCity about careers, women in the workplace, and my aspirations for the future. Here is the interview in full:

Capitol Hill: Countering Violent Extremism

Last month I was invited to speak at the U.S. Government’s Public Diplomacy Commission public meeting on Countering Violent Extremism through Public Diplomacy on Capitol Hill.

Huffington Post: Why Aleppo’s Evacuation Was No Such Thing

The ‘evacuation’ of Aleppo temporarily cast the world’s conscience on Syria once more. Images of civilians choosing between expulsion or annihilation have flooded our TV screens and Twitter feeds. But despite this mass attention, somehow it is the reality that has been silenced.

Asharq Al-Awsat: The Forced Displacement of Aleppo

Asharq Al-Awsat was kind enough to publish my article on how we could have helped the people of Aleppo, without putting members of our Armed Forces at risk, and why Aleppo's evacuation was ethnic cleansing.